The Cultivated Life: Thomas Jefferson and Wine
The Cultivated Life: Thomas Jefferson & Wine
Set against the backdrop of the great wine regions of France, the Napa valley and the historic Virginia landscape “The Cultivated Life” guides the viewer on a visual journey of the life of the founding father of American viticulture.

Over the course of his life, Jefferson’s love for wine never waned, stating simply “Good wine is a daily necessity to me.” The Cultivated Life takes the viewer on a visual journey from Jefferson’s experimental vineyard at Monticello to his epic tours through France’s most prestigious wine regions, to the Napa valley where his legacy is felt strongly today.
June 28, 2006
The Cultivated Life: Thomas Jefferson and Wine is both a portrait of our third president and a study of our country’s founding as seen through the lens of wine. By concentrating on one man’s passion, the Emmy Award-winning documentary (which previously aired on PBS) explores how the seeds of a nation’s taste and culture were planted.
Thomas Jefferson was, in Napa vintner Robert Mondavi’s words, “A man 150 years ahead of his time…”
One of the most compelling aspects of The Cultivated Life: Thomas Jefferson and Wine is the depth of interviews that tell the story. In France we interviewed descendants of the chateau owners and wine merchants who supplied Jefferson with the finest wines of Europe. Back home, we filmed interviews with historians and authors who paint the entire picture of Jefferson’s lifelong struggle to elevate the cultural refinement of his young country to the levels he has seen in Europe. And finally, we interviewed winemakers in California and Virginia — including one of the last filmed interviews with Robert Mondavi — who speak of fulfilling Jefferson’s dream in the American vineyards of today.